Pricelistof money transfer

Valid from June 15, 2019

Fee for sending to Serbia

Amount to send
0 - 2,000 99
2,000.01 - 5,000 150
5,000.01 - 8,000 200
8,000.01 - 700,000 2.5%*

* From the amount sent

Fee for sending to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and North Macedonia

Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro Croatia Macedonia
Amount to send
0 - 6,400 660
6,400.01 - 12,800 950
12,800.01 - 25,500 1,450
25,500.01 - 42,000 1,900
42,000.01 - 64,000 2,500
64,000.01 - 83,500 3,800
83,500.01 - 90,000 4,100
90,000.01 - 105,000 4,300
105,000.01 - 125,000 4,550
125,000.01 - 150,000 4,850
150,000.01 - 175,000 5,050
175,000.01 - 200,000 5,300
200,000.01 - 230,000 5,500
230,000.01 - 700,000 8,900

Fee for sending to all other countries

Amount to send
0 - 8,300 800
8,300.01 - 16,000 1,500
16,000.01 - 26,000 2,200
26,000.01 - 32,000 2,600
32,000.01 - 41,000 3,300
41,000.01 - 55,000 3,700
55,000.01 - 60,000 4,000
60,000.01 - 84,000 4,300
84,000.01 - 90,000 5,300
90,000.01 - 105,000 5,800
105,000.01 - 125,000 6,300
125,000.01 - 150,000 6,800
150,000.01 - 175,000 8,100
175,000.01 - 200,000 8,400
200,000.01 - 230,000 8,700
230,000.01 - 700,000 9,900

Western Union Online Money Receipt Fee

Amount to send
0,01 - 10.000,00 700
10.000,01 - 30.000,00 1.400
30.000,01 - 60.000,00 2.500
60.000,01 - 200.000,00 4.200

The limit for sending by
cash amount is RSD 200,000.00

The monthly sending limit
per sender is RSD 1,000,000.00

Additional services pricelist:

  • Message – 10 RSD for a message up to 20 words (and 10 RSD for each additional word)
  • Telephone Notification – 250 RSD (service is not available for sending to Serbia; on request service is available and free for sending to Chile and Vietnam)

Limit per transaction is 700,000 RSD.

Monthly limit per sender is 1,200,000 RSD.

* Western Union derives profit from charging service fees, as well as from the exchange of currencies.



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