An official is an official of another country, an official of an international organization and an official of the Republic of Serbia; an official of another country is a natural person who holds or has held a high public office in another country in the last four years, namely: the head of state and/or government, a member of the government and his a deputy, an elected representative of the legislative body, a judge of the Supreme and Constitutional Court or another high-level judicial body, against whose judgment, except in exceptional cases, it is not possible to use a regular or extraordinary legal remedy, a member of the Court of Auditors, i.e. supreme audit institutions and members of management bodies central bank, ambassador, chargé d'affaires and senior officer of the armed forces, member of the administrative and supervisory body of a legal entity that is majority owned by a foreign state, member of the governing body of a political party; an official of an international organization is a natural person who performs or has performed in the last four years a high public position in an international organization, such as: director, deputy director, member of the management body, or another equivalent position in an international organization; an official of the Republic of Serbia is a natural person who holds or has held a high public office in the country in the last four years, namely: President of the State, Prime Minister, Minister, State Secretary, Special Advisor to the Minister, Assistant Minister, Secretary of the Ministry, Director of the body within the Ministry and his assistants, and the director of a special organization, as well as his deputy and his assistants, deputy, judges of the Supreme Court of Cassation, the Commercial Court of Appeal and the Constitutional Court, the president, vice-president and member of the council of the State Audit Institution, governor, vice-governor, member of the executive committee and member of the Council the governor of the National Bank of Serbia, a person in a high position in diplomatic and consular missions (ambassador, consul general, chargé d'affaires), member of the management body of a public company or a company majority-owned by the state, member of the management body of a political party; a member of the official's immediate family is a spouse or common-law partner, parents, brothers and sisters, children, adopted children and stepchildren, and their spouse or common-law partners; a close associate of an official is a natural person who realizes a joint profit from property or an established business relationship or has any other close business relationship with the official (e.g. a natural person who is the formal owner of a legal entity or a person under foreign law, and the real profit is realized by the official);